Monday, April 9, 2012

Boswellia Side Effects

I only took Boswellia for a few days but I could tell it made me way too nauseous and even gave me some chest pains / tightness. And my symptoms got worse, if anything. I had read 2/3s of people that take Boswellia were helped by it, but not me.

The side effects were such that I would really stress caution if you try to take Boswellia. Back to trying Rx medicine it is for me! The pills from a tree in India made me more nauseous than even the balsalazide. :(

Others have reported side effects such as sore throat and a skin rash. Boswellia helps with remission in many people, but take at your own risk! I wouldn't take it more than a month or 2 even if it was helping because of all the side effects that could come with it.


  1. So now try turmeric. Turmeric rarely causes side effects ooand works well for pain. I was taking 2400mg/day but you can take up to 8grams/day. Start with 2400 as tests don't show it works with less.

    1. I'll put it on my grocery list for next time I go to the store! Anything with a lower chance of side effects is worth a go for me, thanks.
